Kriegserziehung im Jugendbuch: Literarische Mobilmachung in Deutschland und Frankreich vor 1914

TitleKriegserziehung im Jugendbuch: Literarische Mobilmachung in Deutschland und Frankreich vor 1914
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1978
AuthorsChristadler, Marieluise
Number of Pages477
PublisherHaag und Herchen

This monograph analyzes in a comparative perspective the genre of youth literature in France and Germany in the decades before the First World War. Youth literature, especially novels, gained increasing popularity in the second half of the nineteenth century, sold well on the literature market nd were popular in lending libraries. The author shows, how the youth  literature for boys and girls, tried in a gender specific way to nuture nationalist feelings and thinking in young people. Part of this  "education for the nation" was the creation of notions of the national "self" and the "other". The study shows how youth literature in this way fostered nationalist and xenophobic feelings of exclusion and "othering." One "archenemy" in the youth literature was in the decades after the French-German Wars of 1870-71 in the Germany Empire France and in France Germany.

Translated TitleWar Education in Youth Books: Literary Mobilization in Germany and France before 1914.
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