Soziale Konstruktionen: Militär und Geschlechterverhältnis

TitleSoziale Konstruktionen: Militär und Geschlechterverhältnis
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsEifler, Christine, and Ruth Seifert
PublisherWestfälisches Dampfboot

In no other social institution does gender difference play a role similar to that it does in the military, which is still a place of gendered masculine. The military apparatus itself is skeptical about the full integration of women. The women's movement is divided on the issue of women and the military. Despite the obviously central importance of the gender category for the military, this social field has been neglected in German women's and gender research. This edited volume from 1999 presents the state of the international debate on the subject of military, war and gender relations before the millenium. It includes chapters on Austria, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, and the United States

Translated TitleSocial Constructions: Military and Gender Relations
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