Erwiderung auf Gisela Bocks Rezension von "Mothers in the Fatherland"

TitleErwiderung auf Gisela Bocks Rezension von "Mothers in the Fatherland"
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsKoonz, Claudia, and Susanne Nitzschke
JournalGeschichte und Gesellschaft

In this article in the German journal Geschichte & Gesellschaft, American historian Claudia Koonz responds to the sharp critique of her book Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics by German historian Gisela Bock in her earlier review in the same journal. The controversy between the two started the so-called Historikerinnenstreit (quarrel between female historians) about the role of German women in Nazi Germany. The result of the debate was that the majority of women and gender historians gave up the unhelpful dichotomy of victims or perpetrators and emphasize today a continuum of behavior.

Translated TitleResponse to Gisela Bock's review of "Mothers in the Fatherland"
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