Women as Casualties of World War I and Spanish Influenza: A Kansas Study

TitleWomen as Casualties of World War I and Spanish Influenza: A Kansas Study
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsHolt, Marilyn Irvin
JournalKansas History
Pagination2 - 19

During World War I, servicemen who died in battle or from influenza were honored as casualties of war. This article demonstrates that women received the same recognition from their hometowns, the U.S. military, the medical community, and relief organizations such as the American Red Cross. The Kansas women featured in this study came from rural communities and from cities, and most were in their twenties. All expressed a desire to do their “bit” for the war effort, whether their skills were needed overseas or in the States. The Kansas casualties of war include a Red Cross aid worker, civilian nurses, and military nurses. The names of two women were given to American Legion posts. The individuals’ stories are set within the larger context of women in military service, the influenza epidemic in Kansas and at military installations, and a national impulse to publicly mourn and honor women who died while carrying out their duties.    

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