The Cut of His Coat: Men, Dress, and Consumer Culture in Britain, 1860-1914

TitleThe Cut of His Coat: Men, Dress, and Consumer Culture in Britain, 1860-1914
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsShannon, Brent Alan
Number of Pages252
PublisherOhio University Press
CityAthens, OH

In The Cut of His Coat: Men, Dress, and Consumer Culture in Britain, 1860–1914, Brent Shannon examines familiar novels by authors such as George Eliot, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Hughes, and H. G. Wells, as well as previously unexamined etiquette manuals, period advertisements, and fashion monthlies, to trace how new ideologies emerged as mass-produced clothes, sartorial markers, and consumer culture began to change. While Victorian literature traditionally portrayed women as having sole control of class representations through dress and manners, Shannon argues that middle-class men participated vigorously in fashion. Public displays of their newly acquired mannerisms, hairstyles, clothing, and consumer goods redefined masculinity and class status for the Victorian era and beyond. The Cut of His Coat probes the Victorian disavowal of men’s interest in fashion and shopping to recover men’s significant role in the representation of class through self-presentation and consumer practices. (Ohio University Press)

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