Secondary Literature Search by Keywords

This search screen is set up to allow users to to search for titles using one or more keywords. They can search for titles by author and publication date, but also look for titles that cover a specific region, country, time period or major war. In addition, users can narrow their searches with thematic keywords, based on a selection of broad terms defined by the editors of the Oxford Handbook of Gender and War since 1600 (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2018) including Karen Hagemann (General Editor), Stefan Dudink, and Sonya Rose. These terms represent some of the handbook's central themes and questions. For information on the various keywords and tags associated with this bibliography, filmography and webography, go to About the Search Options.

Author Title Year of Publication City
Jodi O'Brien Gender, Sexuality, and Intimacy: A Contexts Reader 2018 Thousand Oaks
O'Connell, Mary Ellen What Is War? An Investigation in the Wake of 9/11 2012 Leiden and Boston
James O'Toole "Lawless and Unprincipled": Women in Boston's Civil War Draft Riot 2019 Boston
Oberg, Barbara Women in the American Revolution: Gender, Politics, and the Domestic World 2019
Obinger, Herbert Warfare and Welfare: Military Conflict and Welfare State Development in Western Countries 2018 Oxford
Ocampo, Sandro Jiménez Desplazados, Víctimas en Permanente Transición: Repensar la Relación Conflicto-Posconflicto en Colombia como Reconstrucción Etica y Política de la Sociedad 2008 Bogotá, Colombia
Atieno Odhiambo, E. S. Mau Mau & Nationhood: Arms, Authority & Narration 2003 Athens, OH
Ofer, Dalie Women in the Holocaust 1998 New Haven
Offen, Karen Writing Women's History: International Perspectives 1991 Houndmills, U.K.
Ogbar, Jeffrey O. G. The Harlem Renaissance Revisited: Politics, Arts, and Letters 2010 Baltimore
Okihiro, Gary Y. In Resistance: Studies in African, Caribbean, and Afro-American History 1986 Amherst
Oldenziel, Ruth Cold War Kitchen: Americanization, Technology, and European Users 2009 Cambridge, MA
Olimat, Muhamad S. Arab Women and Arab Spring: Challenges and Opportunities 2014 London
Olsson, Louise Women and International Peacekeeping 2001 London
Onnekink, David War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648-1713 2009 Burlington, VT
Orr, Lois Letters from Barcelona: An American Woman in Revolution and Civil War 2009 Basingstoke, England; New York
Ortega, Marie-Linda De la Violencia y de las Mujeres: España, 1808-1918 2017 Brussels
Osorio, Tamara Después de la Guerra: un Manual para la Reconstrucción Posbélica: con Casos de Estudio sobre Guatemala, El Salvador, Bosnia, Mozambique, el Papel de la UE y el Enfoque de Género en la Rehabilitación Posconflicto 2000 Barcelona, Spain
Osório, Ana de Castro En temps de guerre : aux soldats et aux femmes de mon pays, Portugal, 1914-1918 2018 Paris
Overy, Richard J. The Oxford Illustrated History of World War II 2015 Oxford
Rosemary Cullen Owens Women and Pacifism in Ireland, 1915-1932 1997 Dublin
O’Brien, David Another lieu de mémoire? Napoleonic Painting, the Museum and French Memory 2012 Basingstoke
Paddock, Troy R. E. A Call to Arms: Propaganda, Public Opinion, and Newspapers in the Great War 2004 Westport, CT
Paddock, Troy R. E. World War I and Propaganda 2014 Leiden
Paletscheck, Sylvia Introduction: Gender and Memory Culture in Europe: Female Representations in Historical Perspective 2008 Frankfurt am Main
Paletschek, Sylvia The Gender of Memory: Cultures of Remembrance in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe 2008 Frankfurt/Main
Palmer, Robert R. Frederick the Great, Guibert, Bülow: From Dynastic to National War 1986 Princeton, NJ
Palmié, Stephan The Caribbean: A History of the Region and Its Peoples 2011 Chicago
Phillip S Paludan "The Better Angels of Our Nature": Lincoln, Propaganda, and Public Opinion in the North During the Civil War 1997 Cambridge
Pankhurst, Donna Sexual Violence in War 2014 London; New York
Pankhurst, Donna Gendered Peace: Women's Struggles for Post-War Justice and Reconciliation 2008 New York
Paoletti, Ciro War, 1688–1812 2008 Malden, MA
Parashar, Swati Revisiting Gendered States: Feminist Imaginings Of The State In International Relations 2018 New York
Parco, James E. Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply about Diversity in the US Armed Forces 2010 Maxwell Air Force Base, AL
Paret, Peter Understanding War: Essays on Clausewitz and the History of Military Power 1992 Princeton, NJ
Parker, Geoffrey The Cambridge History of Warfare 2020 Cambridge
Parker, Geoffrey The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The Triumph of the West 1995 Cambridge
Parpart, Jane L. Rethinking the Man Question: Sex, Gender and Violence in International Relations 2008 London
Parrott, David Armed Forces 2012 Oxford
Parrott, David Had a Distinct Template for a ‘Western Way of War’ Been Established before 1800? 2011 Oxford
