War & Sexual Violence

Grossmann, Atina. "Continuities and Ruptures: Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Germany. Historiography and its Discontents." In Gendering Modern German History: Themes, Debates, Revisions, edited by Karen Hagemann and Jean H. Quataert, 208-226. New York: Berghahn Books, 2007.
Zipfel, Gaby. "Ausnahmezustand Krieg? Anmerkungen zu soldatischer Männlichkeit, sexueller Gewalt und militärischer Einhegung." In Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern, edited by Insa Eschebach and Regina Mühlhäuser, 55-74. War as a State of Emergency? Notes on Soldierly Masculinity, Sexual Violence and Military Containment. Berlin: Metropol, 2008.
Kuehnast, Kathleen, Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, and Helga Hernes. Women and War: Power and Protection in the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2011.


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