Global Connections

Beaumont, Joan. Lives of the First World War In Public Historian. Vol. 39. London, 2016.
Hudson, Valerie M., Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, Chad F. Emmett, and Rose McDermott. "The Heart of the Matter: The Security of Women, The Security of States." International Security 97, no. 3 (2009): 18-34.
Andrews, Maggie, and Janis Lomas. "Home Fronts, Gender War and Conflict." Women's History Review 26, no. 4 (2017): 523-527.
Revelo, Diana Carolina R., and Julián López García. Territorio, Conflictos y Posconflictos: Mirada Interdisciplinar. Barranquilla, Colombia: Universidad del Norte Editorial, 2018.
Armitage, David. Civil Wars: A History in Ideas. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2017.
Vila, Cecilia Muñoz, and Nubia Esperanza Torres. "La Mujer en la Guerra y Fuera de Ella." In Avatares del Desarrollo Psíquico de la Mujer Maltratada, edited by Cecilia Muñoz Vila and Nubia Esperanza Torres, 269-312. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018.


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