War Mobilization

Le Naour, Jean-Yves, Musée de la Gran de Meaux, and Coédition Somogy. Familles à l'épreuve de la guerre., 2018.
Threat, Charissa. ""Patriotism is Neither Masculine nor Feminine": Gender and the Work of War." In The Routledge History of Gender, War, and the U.S. Military, edited by Kara Dixon Vuic, 233-246. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Huebner, Andrew J. "Gee! I Wish I Were a Man: Gender and the Great War." In The Routledge History of Gender, War, and the U.S. Military, edited by Kara Dixon Vuic, 68-86. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Dash, Sean. The Manhattan Project In Modern Marvels. United States: A & E Television Networks: Distributed by New Video, 2002.


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