Browse the Bibliography, Filmography and Webography

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Export 7750 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
La Biblioteca Digitale dell'Istituto per la Storia e le Memorie del '900 Parri Emilia-Romagna. Bologna, Italy.
La Repubblica Archive. Rome, Italy.
Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals. London: His Majesty's Stationary Office.
Lawyers for Human Rights. Pretoria, South Africa.
Universiteit Leiden. Leiden University Libraries: Digital Collections. Leiden.
L'Emeroteca Digitale. Milan.
Manifesto Project. Berlin.
Manzanar Free Press. Manzanar, CA.
MAP - The Medici Archive Project. Firenze, Italy.
Margaret Thatcher Foundation. United Kingdom.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute. Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project. Stanford, CA.
Mémoires de la Shoah. Institut national de l’audiovisuel.
Napoleon’s Rise & Fall: Illustrated Timeline . Richmond, VA.
Napoleonic Period Collection: Satirical Prints. Seattle, WA.
Archives, National. National Archives (United Kingdom).
National Library of Israel: Digital Library. Jerusalem, Israel.
National Portrait Gallery - Online. London, England.
National Security Archive. Washington, DC.
The National World War I Museum and Memorial Online Collections Database. Kansas City, MO.
Nazi Germany: Five Maps to Explore Nazi Germany. Mainz, Germany.
White, Matthew. Necrometrics.
Oorlogsbronnen, Netwerk. Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen. Amsterdam.
New York Public Library Digital Collections. New York.
Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures. Washington DC.
New-York Historical Society Museum & Library: Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Library. New York.
