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Book Chapter
Joeden-Forgey, Elisa von. "Gender and Genocide." In The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies, edited by Donald Bloxham and A. Dirk Moses, 61-80. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Guy, Donna J. "Gender and Sexuality in Latin America." In The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History, edited by Jose C. Moya, 375-381. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Brereton, Bridget. "Gender and the Historiography of the English-Speaking Caribbean." In Gendered Realities: Essays in Caribbean Feminist Thought, edited by Patricia Mohammed, 129-144. Mona, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, 2002.
Morgan, Cecilia. "Gender, Loyalty and Virtue in a Colonial Context: The War of 1812 and its Aftermath in Upper Canada." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 307-324. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Morgan, Cecilia. "Gender, Loyalty and Virtue in a Colonial Context: The War of 1812 and its Aftermath in Upper Canada." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 307-324. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Dubois, Laurent. "Gendered Freedom: Citoyennes and War in the Revolutionary French Caribbean." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 58-70. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Hämmerle, Christa. "Gendered Narratives of the First World War: The Example of the Former Austria." In Narrating War: XVIth–XXth Century Perspectives, edited by Marco Mondini and Massimo Rospocher, 173-187. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013.
Wierling, Dorothee. "Generations as Narrative Communities: Some Private Sources of Public Memory in Postwar Germany." In Histories of the Aftermath: the Legacies of the Second World War in Europe, edited by Frank Biess and Robert G. Moeller, 102-120. New York: Berghahn Books, 2010.
Hausen, Karin. "The German Nation’s Obligation to the Heroes’ Widows of World War I." In Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, edited by Margaret Randolph Higonnet, Jenson, Jane, Sonya Michel and Weitz, Margaret Collins, 126-140. New Haven, CT, USA: Yale University Press, 1987.
Römer, Felix. "Gewaltsame Geschlechterordnung: Wehrmacht und „Flintenweiber“ an der Ostfront 1941/42." In Soldatinnen: Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter bis heute, edited by Klaus Latzel, Franka Maubach and Silke Satjukow, 331-351. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011.
Lyons, Tanya. "Guerrilla Girls and Women in the Zimbabwean National Liberation Struggle." In Women in African Colonial Histories, edited by Jean Allman, Susan Geiger and Nakanyike Musisi, 305-326. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002.
Cardoza, Thomas. "'Habits Appropriate to Her Sex': The Female Military Experience in France During the Age of Revolution." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 188-205. Basingstoke, UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Mühlhäuser, Regina. "Handlungsräume: Sexuelle Gewalt durch Wehrmacht und SS in den besetzten Gebieten der Sowjetunion." In Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern, edited by Insa Eschebach and Regina Mühlhäuser, 167-186. Berlin: Metropol, 2008.
Mühlhäuser, Regina. "Handlungsräume: Sexuelle Gewalt durch Wehrmacht und SS in den besetzten Gebieten der Sowjetunion." In Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern, edited by Insa Eschebach and Regina Mühlhäuser, 167-186. Berlin: Metropol, 2008.
Dumančić, Marko. "Hidden in Plain Sight: The Histories of Gender and Sexuality during the Cold War." In Gender, Sexuality, and the Cold War: A Global Perspective, edited by Philip E. Muehlenbeck, 1-11. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2017.
Mühlhäuser, Regina. "The Historicity of Denial: Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the War of Annihilation, 1941–1945." In Expanding Perspectives on the Holocaust in a Changing World: Lessons and Legacies, Vol. XI, edited by Hilary Camille Earl and Karl A. Schleunes, 34-46. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2014.
Gelblum, Amira. "Ideological Crossroads: Feminism, Pacifism, and Socialism." In Borderlines: Genders and Identities in War and Peace, 1870-1930, edited by Billie Melman, 307-328. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Meyer, Alfred G. "The Impact of World War I on Russian Women's Lives." In Russia's Women: Accommodation, Resistance, Transformation, edited by Barbara Evans Clements, Barbara Alpern Engel and Christine D. Worobec, 208-224. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1991.
MacKenzie, John M. "The Imperial Pioneer and Hunter and the British Masculine Stereotype in Late Victorian and Edwardian Times." In Manliness and Morality: Middle-Class Masculinity in Britain and America, 1800-1940, edited by James Mangan and James Walvin, 176-198. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
MacKenzie, John M. "The Imperial Pioneer and Hunter and the British Masculine Stereotype in Late Victorian and Edwardian Times." In Manliness and Morality: Middle-Class Masculinity in Britain and America, 1800-1940, edited by James Mangan and James Walvin, 176-198. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
Dudink, Stefan. "In the Shadow of the Citizen-Soldier: Politics and Gender in Dutch Officers' Careers, 1780-1815." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 110-126. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Adelman, Jeremy. "Independence in Latin America." In The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History, edited by Jose C. Moya, 153-180. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Hagemann, Karen, and Jane Rendall. "Introduction: Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives on the Wars of Revolution and Liberation, 1775-1830." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 1-37. War, culture and society, 1750-1850. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Kennedy, Catriona. "John Bull into Battle: Military Masculinity and the British Army Officer during the Napoleonic Wars." In Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830, edited by Karen Hagemann, Gisela Mettele and Jane Rendall, 127-146. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Kanogo, Tabitha. "Kikuyu Women and the Politics of Protest: Mau Mau." In Images of Women in Peace and War: Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives, edited by Sharon Ardener Macdonald, Holden, Pat and Shirley Ardener, 87-102. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.
