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Maindreville, Florence Doé de, and Stéphan Etcharry. La Grande Guerre en musique: Vie et création musicales en France pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2014.
Berger, Wilhelm, Brigitte Hipf, Kirstin Mertlitsch, and Viktorija Ratkovic. Kulturelle Dimensionen von Konflikten: Gewaltverhältnisse im Spannungsfeld von Geschlecht, Klasse und Ethnizität. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2010.
Mihulka, Krystyna, and Krystyna Poray Goddu. Krysia: A Polish Girl's Stolen Childhood During World War II. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2017.
Mahr, Cordula. Kriegsliteratur von Frauen? Zur Darstellung des zweiten Weltkriegs in Autobiographien von Frauen nach 1960 In Frauen in der Literaturgeschichte ;; Bd. 14; Variation: Frauen in der Literaturgeschichte ;; Bd. 14. Herbolzheim: Centaurus Verlag, 2006.
Linden, Marcel van der, and Gottfried Mergner. Kriegsbegeisterung und mentale Kriegsvorbereitung: Interdisziplinäre Studien. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1991.
Eschebach, Insa, and Regina Mühlhäuser. Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern. Berlin: Metropol, 2008.
Mierisch, Helene. Kamerad Schwester 1914–1919. Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang, 1934.
Duus, Peter, Ramon Hawley Myers, and Mark R. Peattie. The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996.
Duus, Peter, Ramon H. Myers, and Mark R. Peattie. The Japanese Informal Empire in China, 1895-1937. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989.
Myers, Ramon H., and Mark R. Peattie. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984.
Merridale, Catherine. Ivan's War: Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939-1945. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006.
McIntosh, Gillian, and Diane Urquhart. Irish Women at War: The Twentieth Century. Dublin, Ireland; Portland, OR: Irish Academic Press, 2010.
Mazzeo, Tilar J. Irena's Children: The Extraordinary Story of the Woman Who Saved 2,500 Children from the Warsaw Ghetto. New York: Gallery Books, 2016.
Mamlok, Robert. The International Medical Relief Corps in Wartime China, 1937-1945. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company Inc. Publishers, 2018.
Manza, Jeff, and Michael Sauder. Inequality and Society: Social Science Perspectives on Social Stratification. New York: Norton, 2009.
Miller, Robert L., and Dennis Wainstock. Indochina and Vietnam: The Thirty-Five-Year War, 1940-1975. New York: Enigma Books, 2013.
McCormack, Matthew. The Independent Man: Citizenship and Gender Politics in Georgian England. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005.
Rohall, David, Morten G. Ender, and Michael D. Matthews. Inclusion in the American Military: A Force for Diversity. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
Marshall, Kathryn. In the Combat Zone: An Oral History of American Women in Vietnam, 1966-75. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1987.
Miller, Vera. In Search of a Childhood Song: Buried Memories, My German Mother's Girlhood, Escape from Communism. Acworth, GA: KAMBook Pub., 2007.
Muehlen, Ellen Von zur. In God's Hands: A Noblewoman's Struggle for Survival in War and Revolution. Cornelius, NC: Warren Publishing, 2007.
Manegold, Catherine S. In Glory’s Shadow: Shannon Faulkner, The Citadel, and a Changing America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.
Brabant, Justine, Leila Miñano, and Anne-Laure Pineau. Impunité Zéro: Violences Sexuelles en Temps de Guerre: L'enquête. Paris: Éditions Autrement, 2017.
MacKenzie, John M. Imperialism and Popular Culture. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1986.
McClintock, Anne. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in Colonial Context. New York: Routledge, 1995.
