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Schroeder, Paul W. Austria, Great Britain, and the Crimean War: The Destruction of the European Concert. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1972.
Gore, Jennifer, Leanne Fray, Claire Wallington, Kathryn Holmes, and Max Smith. "Australian School Student Aspirations for Military Careers." Armed Forces & Society 43, no. 2 (Special Issue: Women in the Military) (2017): 239-259 .
McMeeken, Joan. "Australian Physiotherapists in the First World War." Health and History 17, no. 2 (2015): 52-75.
Lake, Marilyn. "Australian Frontier Feminism and the Marauding White Man." In Gender and Imperialism, edited by Clare Midgley, 123-136. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998.
Matthews, Kay Morris, and Kay Whitehead. "Australian and New Zealand Women Teachers in the First World War." History of Education Review 48, no. 1 (2019).
Dinan, Jacqueline. "Australia at War: The Challenges and Opportunities for Women During World War II." Agora 51, no. 3 (2016): 38-44.
Zipfel, Gaby. "Ausnahmezustand Krieg? Anmerkungen zu soldatischer Männlichkeit, sexueller Gewalt und militärischer Einhegung." In Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern, edited by Insa Eschebach and Regina Mühlhäuser, 55-74. War as a State of Emergency? Notes on Soldierly Masculinity, Sexual Violence and Military Containment. Berlin: Metropol, 2008.
Delbo, Charlotte. Auschwitz and After. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.
Kirstein, Emma. Aus schwerer Zeit: Tagebuch, Ostpreußen 1945. Bonn: Kulturstiftung der Deutschen Vertriebenen, 1995.
Kayser, Alwine. Aus den Anfängen unserer Kolonien: Meine Erlebnisse als Begleiterin meines Gatten, des ersten Kolonialdirektors, Wirkl. Geh. Legationsrats Dr. Kayser auf seiner Inspektionsreise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika 1892. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1912.
Geyer, Michael. Aufrüstung oder Sicherheit: Die Reichswehr in der Krise der Machtpolitik 1924-1936. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1980.
Malle, Louis. Au Revoir Les Enfants. France: MK2 Diffusion, 1987.
Celaya, Diego Gaspar. "Au combat sans armes: Femmes espagnoles dans les rangs de la France combattante." Cahiers d'histoire, no. 141 (2019): 37-55.
Moradi, Bonnie, and Laura Miller. "Attitudes of Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans toward Gay and Lesbian Service Members." Armed Forces & Society 36, no. 3 (2010): 397-419.
Parco, James E., and David A. Levy. Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply about Diversity in the US Armed Forces. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Press, 2010.
Wright, Myrna. Attention Private Wright. United States: s.n., 2005.
Aldrich, Robert. Attack. United States: United Artists, 1956.
Doueiri, Ziad. The Attack. United States: Cohen Media Group, 2012.
Barnett, Louise K. Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southeast Asia: Trial by Army. London: Routledge, 2010.
Atria: Institute on Gender Equality and Women's History. Amsterdam.
Wright, Joe. Atonement. United States: Focus Features, 2007.
Loader, Jayne, Kevin Rafferty, and Pierce Rafferty. The Atomic Cafe. United States: Libra Films, 1982.
Klein, Herbert S. The Atlantic Slave Trade. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Hall, Richard. Atlantic Politics, Military Strategy and the French and Indian War. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Pearsall, Sarah M. S. Atlantic Families: Lives and Letters in the Later Eighteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
