Browse the Bibliography, Filmography and Webography

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Export 7750 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Casanova, Sofía. Impresiones de una Mujer en el Frente Oriental de la Guerra Europea: Conferencia leída el 25 de abril de 1919. Madrid : Centro del Ejército y de la Armada, 1919.
Gance, Abel. J'accuse! / I Accuse (1919). France: Pathé Films, 1919.
de la Roche, José Joaqúin P. Los Parises: Una familia de próceres. Bogotá: Juan Casis, 1919.
Friedmann, Berta Allatini. Ricordi e Impressioni, 1915-1919. Livorno: S. Belforte & C., 1919.
Lawrence, Dorothy. Sapper Dorothy Lawrence, the Only English Woman Soldier, Late Royal Engineers, 51st division, 179th Tunnelling Company, B.E.F.. London: J. Lane, 1919.
Richards, John. "Some Experiences with Colored Soldiers." The Atlantic Monthly (1919): 184-190.
Giacomelli, Antonietta. Vigilie (1914-1918). Firenze: R. Bemporad, 1919.
Aldrich, Mildred. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Boston: Small, Maynard and Company, 1919.
Botchkareva, Maria. Yashka: My Life as Peasant, Officer and Exile, Edited by Isaac Don Levine. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1919.
Voigt, Frederick A. Combed Out: Reminiscences of the European War. London: Swarthmore Press, 1920.
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley. Shadow-Shapes: The Journal of a Wounded Woman, October 1918-May 1919. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1920.
Hunton, Addie W., and Kathryn M. Johnson. Two Colored Women with the American Expeditionary Forces. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Eagle Press, 1920.
Carr, Kent. Women Who Dared: Heroines of the Great War. London: S.W. Partridge & Co., Ltd., 1920.
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. The Women's Victory and After: Personal Reminiscences, 1911-1918. London: Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd., 1920.
Griffith, D.W. Orphans of the Storm. United States: United Artists , 1921.
Sullivan, James, and William Johnson. The Papers of Sir William Johnson. Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1921.
Asquith, Margot, and Mark Bonham Carter. The Autobiography of Margot Asquith. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1922.
Jünger, Ernst. Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis. Berlin: Mittler, 1922.
L'Isle, Adèle de. Leaves from a V.A.D.'s Diary. London: Elliot Stock, 1922.
Douglas-Pennant, Violet Blanche. Under the Searchlight: A Record of a Great Scandal. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1922.
Lucas, Charles Prestwood. The Empire at War. London, New York: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1923.
Griffith, D.W. America. United States: United Artists, 1924.
Swanwick, Helena. Builders of Peace: Being Ten Years' History of the Union of Democratic Control. London: Swathmore Press, 1924.
E. Hopper, Mason. Janice Meredith. United States: Metro-Goldwyn, 1924.
García y García, Elvira. La mujer peruana a través de los siglos; serie historiada de estudios y observaciones. Lima: Imprenta Americana, 1924.
