Latin American Wars of Independence (1808-30)

Carranza, Adolfo. Patricias Argentinas. Buenos Aires: Sociedad de Patricias Argentinas, 1910.
Alcibíades, Mirla. Mujeres e independencia: Venezuela, 1810-1821. Caracas: Casa Nacional de las Letras Andrés Bello, 2013.
Vollendorf, Lisa, and Grady C. Wray. "Gender in the Atlantic World: Women’s Writing in Iberia and Latin America." In Theorising the Ibero-American Atlantic, edited by Harald E. Braun and Lisa Vollendorf, 99-116. Leiden ; Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2013.
Anna, Timothy E. Spain and the Loss of America. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.
Adelman, Jeremy. "Independence in Latin America." In The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History, edited by Jose C. Moya, 153-180. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Monjardim, Jayme. O Tempo e o Vento. Brazil: Downtown Filmes, 2013.


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