Postwar Societies & Gender

Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara. "Reproduction Politics in Postwar Poland." In Women and Men at War: A Gender Perspective on World War II and Its Aftermath in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Maren Röger and Ruth Leiserowitz, 307-328. Osnabrück, Germany: Fibre Verlag, 2012.
Krylova, Anna. "Neither Erased Nor Remembered: Cultural Strategies of Forgetting in Soviet Russia, 1940s-1980s." In Histories of the Aftermath: The Legacies of the Second World War in Europe, edited by Frank Biess and Robert G. Moeller, 83-101. New York: Berghahan Books, 2010.
Golubovic, Srdan. Klopka / The Trap. Serbia: New Yorker Video, 2007.
Zbanic, Jasmila. Grbavica / Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams. Esma's Secret: Grbavica (UK). Bosnia: Dogwoof Pictures, 2006.


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