Anthology/Edited Volume

Pierson, Ruth Roach, and Nupur Chaudhuri. Nation, Empire, Colony: Historicizing Gender and Race. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
Sluga, Glenda, and Patricia Clavin. Internationalisms: A Twentieth Century History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Fieseler, Beate. "Rotarmistinnen im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Motivationen, Einsatzbereiche und Erfahrungen von Frauen an der Front." In Soldatinnen: Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter bis heute, edited by Klaus Latzel, Franka Maubach and Silke Satjukow, 301-329. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011.
Weiss, Thomas G., David P. Forsythe, Roger A. Coate, and Kelly–Kate Pease. The United Nations and Changing World Politics. 8th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview, 2017.
Stiehm, Judith Hicks. "Women, Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: Gender Balance and Mainstreaming." In Women and International Peacekeeping, edited by Louise Olsson and Torunn L. Tryggestad, 39-48. London: Frank Cass, 2001.


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