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Export 7750 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Alvarado-Salgado, Sara V., María A. Fajardo-Mayo, and María C. Ospina-Alvarado. "Subjetividades Políticas de la Primera Infancia en Contextos de Conflicto Armado: Narrativas Colectivas de Agencia." Psicoperspectivas 17, no. 2 (2018): 115-127.
Horn, Karen. ""A Sudden Sickening Sensation": South African Prisoner-of-War Experience on Board the San Sebastian, December 1941." Historia 63, no. 1 (2018): 112-129.
Pedersen, Sarah. "Suffragettes and the Scottish Press during the First World War." Women's History Review 27, no. 4 (2018): 534-550.
Reimann, Carolyn A., and Edward L. Mazuchowski. "Suicide Rates Among Active Duty Service Members Compared with Civilian Counterparts, 2005-2014." Military Medicine 183 (2018): 396-402.
Worth, Eve. "A Tale of Female Liberation? The Long Shadow of De-Professionalization on the Lives of Post-War Women." Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique 23, no. 1 (2018).
Revelo, Diana Carolina R., and Julián López García. Territorio, Conflictos y Posconflictos: Mirada Interdisciplinar. Barranquilla, Colombia: Universidad del Norte Editorial, 2018.
Miner, Steven Merritt. ""Things must be bad at the front": Women in the Soviet Military during WWII." Marine Corps University Journal, no. Special Issue: Gender Integration and the Military (2018): 41-64.
Davidson, Ronald. "Three Stories about a Statue." Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 80, no. 1 (2018): 41-65.
McEvoy, Carmen, and Alejandro M. Rabinovich. Tiempo de Guerra: Estado, Nación y Conflicto Armado en el Perú, Siglos XVII-XIX. Lima: IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018.
O'Riordan, Maeve. "Titled Women and Voluntary War Work in Ireland during the First World War: A Case Study of Ethel, Lady Inchiquin." Women's History Review 27, no. 3 (2018): 360-378.
Meyer-Fong, Tobie. "To Know the Enemy: The Zei qing huizuan, Military Intelligence, and the Taiping Civil War." T'oung Pao 104, no. 3/4 (2018): 384-423.
Mcgregor, Katharine, and Vera Mackie. "Transcultural Memory and the Troostmeisjes/Comfort Women Photographic Project." History and Memory 30, no. 1 (2018): 116-150.
Tierney, Dominic. "The Two Vietnam Wars: American Perceptions of the Use of Force." Political Science Quarterly 133, no. 4 (2018): 641-667.
Milner, Lisa. "'The unbreakable solidarity of women throughout the world with heroic Vietnam': Freda Brown, Women’s Organizations and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement." History Australia 15, no. 2 (2018): 255-270.
Zaleski, Kristen. Understanding and Treating Military Sexual Trauma. Cham: Springer, 2018.
Urquhart, Diane. "Unionism, Orangeism and War." Women's History Review 27, no. 3 (2018): 468-484.
Föllmer, Moritz. "The Unscripted Revolution: Male Subjectivities in Germany, 1918–1919." Past & Present 240, no. 1 (2018): 161-192.
Scheide, Carmen. "'Unstintingly Master Warfare': Women in the Red Army." In The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century Russia and the Soviet Union, edited by Melanie Ilic, 233-248. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Irvine, Jill A. "US Aid and Gender Equality: Social Movement vs Civil Society Models of Funding." Democratization 25, no. 4 (2018): 728-746.
Cooper, Benjamin. Veteran Americans: Literature and Citizenship from Revolution to Reconstruction. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2018.
Houghton, Frances. The Veterans' Tale: British Military Memoirs of the Second World War In Studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Dodd, Lindsey, and David Lees. Vichy France and Everyday Life: Confronting the Challenges of Wartime, 1939-1945. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
Pont, Vivian Newman, María Paula Áng Arango, and María Ximena Dá Contreras. Víctimas y prensa después de la guerra: tensiones entre intimidad, verdad histórica y libertad de expresión In Dejusticia. Bogotá: Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad, Dejusticia, 2018.
Canchari, Rocío Yudith Can. Víctimas y Protagonistas de Paz en el Acuerdo General para la Terminación del Conflicto Colombiano y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera. Sevilla: Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2018.
Drexler, Elizabeth F. "Victim-Warriors and Iconic Heroines: Photographs of Female Combatants in Aceh, Indonesia." Critical Asian Studies 50, no. 3 (2018): 395-421.
