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Export 7752 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Rauchensteiner, Manfried. Der Tod des Doppeladlers: Österreich-Ungarn und der Erste Weltkrieg. Graz: Styria Verlag, 1993.
Rittner, Carol, and John K. Roth. Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust. New York: Paragon House, 1993.
Serrano-Ortega, Jose Antonio. El contingente de sangre: Los gobiernos estatales y departamentales y los métodos de reclutamiento del ejército permanente mexicano, 1824-1844. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1993.
Jellison, Katherine. Entitled to Power: Farm Women and Technology, 1913-1963. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993.
Pedersen, Susan. Family, Dependence, and the Origins of the Welfare State: Britain and France, 1914-1945. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Griswold, Robert L. Fatherhood in America: A History. New York: Basic Books, 1993.
Lynn, John A. Feeding Mars: Logistics in Western Warfare from the Middle Ages to the Present. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993.
Westbrook, Robert B. "Fighting for the American Family: Private Interests and Political Obligation in World War II." In The Power of Culture: Critical Essays in American History, edited by TJ Jackson Lears and Richard Wightman Fox, 195-221. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Woodeson, Alison. "The First Women Police: A Force for Equality or Infringement?" Women's History Review 2, no. 2 (1993): 217-232.
Moncure, John. Forging the King's Sword: Military Education Between Tradition and Modernization - The Case of the Royal Prussian Cadet Corps 1871-1918. New York: Peter Lang, 1993.
Fay, Peter Ward. The Forgotten Army: India's Armed Struggle for Independence, 1942-1945. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993.
Miller, Sally M. From Prairie to Prison: The Life of Social Activist Kate Richards O'Hare. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1993.
Citron, Marcia J. Gender and the Musical Canon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Conover, Pamela Johnston, and Virginia Sapiro. "Gender, Feminist Consciousness, and War." American Journal of Political Science 37, no. 4 (1993): 1079-1099.
Rose, Sonya O. "Gender History/Women's History: Is Feminist Scholarship Losing its Critical Edge?" Journal of Women's History 5, no. 1 (1993): 89-101.
Martin, Elaine. Gender, Patriarchy, and Fascism in the Third Reich: The Response of Women Writers. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1993.
Cooke, Miriam, and Angela Woollacott. Gendering War Talk. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993.
Bessel, Richard. Germany after the First World War. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.
Berghahn, V. R. Germany and the Approach of War in 1914. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan, 1993.
Maxwell, Ronald F. Gettysburg. United States: New Line Cinema, 1993.
Close, David H. The Greek Civil War, 1943-1950: Studies of Polarization. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Stone, Oliver. Heaven & Earth. Unted States: Warner Bros., 1993.
A History of Women in the West, Edited by Duby, Georges and Michelle Perrot. 1993-2000 ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993.
Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries. Washington, D.C.: The Office, 1993.
Thornton, John K. ""I Am the Subject of the King of Congo": African Political Ideology and the Haitian Revolution." Journal of World History 4, no. 2 (1993): 181-214.
