War Traumas

El papel de la mujer y el género en los conflictos In (Cuadernos de estrategia / Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos ; 157). Madrid: Institute of Strategic Studies (IEEE) of the Spanish Ministry of Defense, 2012.
Hilhorst, Dorothea, Holly Porter, and Rachel Gordon. "Gender, Sexuality, and Violence in Humanitarian Crises." Disasters 42, no. S1 (2018): S3-S16.
George, Terry. Hotel Rwanda. USA, UK, South Africa, Italy: MGM (US), Entertainment Film Distributors (UK), Mikado Film (Italy), 2004.
Caton-Jones, Michael. Shooting Dogs. Beyond the Gates. United Kingdom; Germany: IFC Films, 2006.
Boorman, John. Hope and Glory. United Kingdom: Columbia-Cannon-Warner Distributors, 1987.


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