Browse the Bibliography, Filmography and Webography

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Export 7750 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Jenks, Samuel. Diary of Captain Samuel Jenks, During the French and Indian War, 1760. Cambridge, MA: John Wilson & Son, 1890.
Belhomme, Victor. L'Armée Française en 1690. Paris: Baudoin, 1895.
Callwell, Charles E. Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice. London: Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by Harrison and Sons, 1896.
Boer War Material. United Kingdom: British Pathé, 1900.
Murray, Mary. The Salvation Army at Work in the Boer War. London: Salvation Army, 1900.
Van Dedem, Antoine-Baudouin-Gisbert, and Elisabeth Lecky. Un Général Hollandais sous le Premier Empire: Mémoires du Général Baron de Dedem de Gelder, 1774–1825. Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Compagnie, 1900.
Colomb, Roger-Félix. Rôle de la femme dans l'assistance aux blessés et malades militaires In Medicine. Vol. Ph.D. Bordeaux, 1903.
De la Rey, Jacoba Elizabeth. A Woman's Wanderings and Trials During the Anglo-Boer War. London: Unwin, 1903.
Gerbaux, Fernand. "Les femmes soldats pendant la Révolution." La Révolution française 47 (1904): 47-61.
Ariga, Nagao. The Red Cross Society of Japan: Its Organization in Time of Peace and War. St. Louis: S. F. Myerson, 1904.
Barton, Clara. A Story of the Red Cross: Glimpses of Field Work. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1904.
Benton, Elbert J. International Law and Diplomacy of the Spanish-American War. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1908.
Suttner, Bertha von. Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner: The Records of an Eventful Life. Boston: Ginn and Co. for the International School of Peace, 1910.
Carranza, Adolfo. Patricias Argentinas. Buenos Aires: Sociedad de Patricias Argentinas, 1910.
