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[ Author(Desc)] Title Type Year
The Napoleon Series., 1995.
The Cabinet Papers. London, 2010.
Interactive Vietnam War Timeline with Primary Document. College Park, MD.
National Library of Israel: Digital Library. Jerusalem, Israel.
The National World War I Museum and Memorial Online Collections Database. Kansas City, MO.
Winter Soldier Investigation. Tucson, AZ.
Powers of Persuasion: Poster Art from World War II. United States, 2015.
Iraqi Jewish Archive. College Park, MD.
National Archives: Vietnam War. College Park, MD, 2008.
World War I Postcards from the Bowman Gray Collection. Chapel Hill, NC.
Thébaud, Françoise. Les femmes au temps de la guerre de 14. Paris: Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2014.
Theidon, Kimberly. "Género en transición: sentido común, mujeres y guerra." Cadernos PAGU, no. 37 (2011): 43-78.
Theidon, Kimberly Susan. Entre Prójimos: el Conflicto Armado Interno y la Política de la Reconciliación en el Perú. Lima, Peru: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2004.
Thenault, Sylvie. "Les papiers de Baya Hocine. Une source pour l’histoire des prisons algériennes pendant la guerre d’indépendance (1954-1962)." L'Année de Maghreb, no. 20 (2019): 107-122.
Theweleit, Klaus. Male Fantasies. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.
Thi, Kim Phuc Phan. Fire Road: The Napalm Girl's Journey through the Horrors of War to Faith, Forgiveness, and Peace. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, 2017.
Thiele, Martina, Tanja Thomas, and Fabian Virchow. Medien – Krieg – Geschlecht: Affirmationen und Irritationen sozialer Ordnungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
Thiessen, Edna Schroeder, and Angela Showalter. A Life Displaced: A Mennonite Woman's Flight from War-Torn Poland In Mennonite reflections ;; v. 3; Variation: Mennonite reflections ;; v. 3. Kitchener, Canada: Pandora Press, 2000.
Thom, Deborah. "Making Spectaculars: Museums and How We Remember Gender in Wartime." In Evidence, History and the Great War, edited by Gail Braybon, 48-66. New York: Berghahn Books, 2003.
Thom, Deborah. "Women, War Work and the State in Ireland, 1914-1918." Women's History Review 27, no. 3 (2018): 450-467.
Thom, Deborah. Nice Girls and Rude Girls: Women Workers in World War I. London: I. B. Tauris, 1998.
Thomas, Christophe. Women in the Great War (2019) In Collection 1914-1918. Bayeux: OREP éditions, 2019.
Thomas, Heidi. Upstairs Downstairs (2010). United Kingdom: BBC Wales, 2010.
Thomas, Gill. Life on All Fronts: Women in the First World War In Women in history; Variation: Women in history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Thomas, Antony. Hang up Your Brightest Colors. United Kingdom: BBC Wales, 1973.
