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Miribel, Elisabeth de. La liberté souffre violence. Paris: Plon, 1981.
Mbembe, Achille. La naissance du maquis dans le Sud-Cameroun, 1920–1960: histoire des usages de la raison en colonie. Paris: Karthala, 1996.
Forrest, Alan. "La patrie en danger: The French Revolution and the First Levée en masse." In The People in Arms: Military Myth and National Mobilization since the French Revolution, edited by Daniel Moran and Arthur Waldron, 8-32. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
La Repubblica Romana del 1849. Rome, Italy, 2011.
Crespo, Alberto R., René Arze Aguirre, Florencia B. De Romero, and Mary Money. La Vida cotidiana en La Paz durante la guerra de la Independencia, 1800-1825. La Paz: Editorial de la Universidad de San Andrés, 1975.
Montandon, Alain. "La vieille femme et la guerre: Rachilde face au désordre." L'Esprit Créateur 40, no. 2 (2000): 15-24.
Morgan, Jennifer L. Laboring Women: Reproduction and Gender in New World Slavery. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.
Malle, Louis. Lacombe, Lucien. France: Cinema International Corporation, 1974.
Moore, Lucy. Lady Fanshawe's Receipt Book: The Life and Times of a Civil War Heroine. London: Atlantic Books, 2017.
Moore, Roland. Land Girls. United Kingdom: BBC, 2009.
Misra, Amalendu. The Landscape of Silence: Sexual Violence Against Men in War. London: Hurst & Company, 2015.
MacDonald, Robert. The Language of Empire: Myths and Metaphors of Popular Imperialism, 1880-1918. Manchester ; New York: Manchester University Press, 1994.
Melville, Jean-Pierre. L'armée des ombres / The Army of Shadows. France: Valoria Films, 1969.
Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración, and Instituto de la Mujer. Las Mujeres y la Guerra Civil Española. Madrid, Spain: Instituto de la Mujer, 1991.
Morelli, Maria Teresa Ant. "L'associazionismo del secondo dopoguerra: il ruolo del Centro Italiano Femminile." Studium: Rivista Bimestrale di Cultura 113, no. 3 (2017): 412-424.
Moll, James. The Last Days. United States: October Films, 1998.
Murad, Nadia. The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight against the Islamic State. New York: Tim Duggan Books, 2017.
Macdonald, Kevin. The Last King of Scotland. United States: Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2006.
Mann, Michael. The Last of the Mohicans. United States: 20th Century Fox, 1992.
Maguire, Peter. Law and War: International Law & American History. 2nd ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
Marteu, Élisabeth. "Le genre dans l’« Intifada des couteaux » : l’évolution de la place des femmes dans la lutte armée palestinienne." Confluences Méditerranée 103, no. 4 (2017): 53-63.
Mardore, Michel. Le sauveur / The Savior. France: Planfilm, 1971.
Melville, Jean-Pierre. Le Silence de la Mer. France: Pierre Braunberger, 1949.
Maoz, Samuel. Lebanon. Lebanon: The Soldier's Journey . Israel: Sony Pictures Classics , 2009.
Meek, Per Arne Loehr. Lebensborn 6210. Kristiansund: Ibs forlag, 2001.
