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Melish, Joanne Pope. Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and "Race" in New England, 1780–1860. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998.
Meiner, Antonia. Die Stunde der Frauen: Zwischen Monarchie, Weltkrieg und Wahlrecht 1913-1919. Berlin: Insel Verlag, 2016.
Maubach, Franka. Die Stellung halten: Kriegserfahrungen und Lebensgeschichten von Wehrmachthelferinnen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.
Müller-Münch, Ingrid. Die Frauen von Majdanek: Vom zerstörten Leben der Opfer und der Mörderinnen In Frauen aktuell; Rororo aktuell; Variation: Frauen aktuell. Reinbeck: Rowohlt, 1982.
Mühlenberg, Jutta. "Die erste deutsche "Helferinnenschaft" im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Die Nachrichtenhelferinnen des Heeres." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 61, no. 5 (2013): 425-446.
Martínez de Nisser, María. Diario de los Sucesos de la Revolución en la Provincia de Antioquía en los Años de 1840-1841. Bogotá: Incunables, 1983.
Munden, Marc. The Devil's Whore. United Kingdom: Channel 4 Television Corporation, 2008.
Ocampo, Sandro Jiménez, Martha Nubia Bello, Donny Meertens, Flor Edilma Osorio, and Rocío Venegas Luque. Desplazados, Víctimas en Permanente Transición: Repensar la Relación Conflicto-Posconflicto en Colombia como Reconstrucción Etica y Política de la Sociedad. Bogotá, Colombia: Ediciones Ántropos Ltda, 2008.
Monsuez, Jean-Jacques. "Des femmes sous les drapeaux écrivent." Revue Historique des Armées, no. 272 (2013): 36-50.
Müllerschön, Nikolai. Der Rote Baron / The Red Baron. Germany, United Kingdom: Warner Bros. Pictures, 2008.
Wiesinger, Barbara N. "Der Krieg der Partisaninnen. Bewaffneter Widerstand von Frauen in Jugoslawien (1941-1945)." In Soldatinnen: Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter bis heute, edited by Klaus Latzel, Franka Maubach and Silke Satjukow, 233-256. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011.
Der Bildbestand der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main .
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. The Deportation of Women and Girls from Lille. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916.
Peled, Yoav, Noah Lewin-Epstein, Gai Mundlaḳ, and Jean L. Cohen. Democratic Citizenship and War. New York; London: Routledge, 2011.
Mason, Emily. Democracy, Deeds and Dilemmas: Support for the Spanish Republic within British Civil Society, 1936-1939 In The Cañada Blanch / Sussex Academic Studies on Contemporary Spain. Eastbourne, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2017.
Hampf, M. Michaela. "Demarkationslinien: Geschlecht, Sexualität und Kampf in der US Army im Zweiten Weltkrieg." In Soldatinnen: Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter bis heute, edited by Klaus Latzel, Franka Maubach and Silke Satjukow, 353-374. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011.
Metz, Steven, and Phillip Cuccia. Defining War for the 21st Century. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2011.
Morag, Raya. Defeated Masculinity: Post-Traumatic Cinema in the Aftermath of War. Brussels, Belgium: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2009.
Horne, John. "Defeat and Memory in Modern History." In Defeat and Memory: Cultural Histories of Military Defeat in the Modern Era, edited by Jenny Macleod, 11-29. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Macleod, Jenny. Defeat and Memory: Cultural Histories of Military Defeat in the Modern Era. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Koller, Christian. "Defeat and Foreign Rule as a Narrative of National Rebirth: The German Memory of the Napoleonic Period in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries." In Defeat and Memory: Cultural Histories of Military Defeat in the Modern Era, edited by Jenny Macleod, 30-45. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Marks, Patricia H. Deconstructing Legitimacy: Viceroys, Merchants, and the Military in Late Colonial Peru. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007.
Macqueen, Norrie. The Decolonization of Portuguese Africa: Metropolitan Revolution and the Dissolution of Empire. London: Longman, 1997.
King, Kimi Lynn, James D. Meerik, and Eliza G. Kelly. "Deborah's Voice: The Role of Women in Sexual Assault Cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia." Social Science Quarterly 98, no. 2 (2017): 548-565.
Melzer, Patricia. Death in the Shape of a Young Girl: Women's Political Violence in the Red Army Faction. New York: New York University Press, 2015.
