Browse the Bibliography, Filmography and Webography

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Export 7750 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Goldsmith, Margaret. Women at War. London: Drummond Ltd., 1943.
Huston, John, and Vincent Sherman. Across the Pacific. United States: Warner Bros., 1942.
Curtiz, Michael. Casablanca. United States: Warner Bros., 1942.
Harlan, Veit. Der große König. Germany: Universum Film (UFA), 1942.
Coward, Noel, and David Lean. In Which We Serve. United Kingdom: British Lion Film, 1942.
Stelli, Jean. Le voile bleu / The Blue Veil. France: Consortium du film, 1942.
Jennings, Humphrey, and Stewart McAllister. Listen to Britain. United Kingdom: Crown Film Unit, 1942.
Wyler, William. Mrs. Miniver. United States: Loew's Inc., 1942.
Alessandrini, Goffredo. Noi vivi / We the Living. Italy: Scalera Film, 1942.
Boulting, Roy. Thunder Rock. United Kingdom: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , 1942.
Lubitsch, Ernst. To Be or Not to Be. United States: United Artists, 1942.
De Sica, Vittorio. Un garibaldino al convento / A Garibaldian in the Convent. Italy: Industria Cinematografica Italiana (INCINE), 1942.
Cavalcanti, Alberto. Went the Day Well?. United Kingdom: Ealing Studios, 1942.
Powell, Michael. 49th Parallel. The Invaders. United Kingdom: General Film Distributors (GFD), 1941.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. Hyde Park, NY, 1941.
Steinhoff, Hans. Ohm Krüger. Germany: Tobis-Filmverleih, 1941.
Soldati, Mario. Piccolo mondo antico. Italy: Industrie Cinematografiche Italiane, 1941.
Gwynne-Vaughan, Dame Helen. Service with the Army. London: Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., 1941.
Korda, Alexander. That Hamilton Woman. Lady Hamilton. United States: United Artists, 1941.
Brown, Clarence. They Met in Bombay. United States: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1941.
Leisen, Mitchell. Arise, My Love. United States: Paramount Pictures, 1940.
Gleichen, Helena. Contacts and Contrasts. London: John Murray, 1940.
Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom the Bell Tolls. New York: Scribner, 1940.
Furse, Katharine. Hearts and Pomegranates: The Story of Forty-Five Years, 1875-1920. London: Peter Davies, 1940.
Lloyd, Frank. The Howards of Virginia. United States: Columbia Pictures, 1940.
